Deleting invisible data

Hi everyone,

I somehow lost 35 Go of data on one of my hard drives.

I manage to recover them thanks to Recuva. But the recovered data occupy 35 Go, and the "invisible data" occupy the same space. So I "lost" 35 Go of space in the process.

I tried to delete the invisible data with CC Cleaner with no success.

I would like to find a way to really delete the 35 invisible Go.

I can't really afford to save the data from my disk and then format it.

I hope i am making myself clear, please let me know if you have questions.



Have you rebooted yet?

I hope i am making myself clear.

Unfortunately not.

You 'lost' 35 gb of data, was it deleted from your drive, did the data used on the drive go down by 35 gb?

You recovered 35 gb of data, where to? The same disk or another?

So now you have all your files, less 35 gb 'lost', plus 35 gb recovered?

But your 'lost' data is still taking up space?

Why do you want to format the disk? Which disk?

I can't make head nor tails of this.

Sounds more like the total space on the drive decreased to me, ie a 535gb partition shrunk to 500gb.

Waaay over my head, but maybe a relevant question to add to Augeas's:

Right now where is the invisible data?

Edit: Maybe another relevant question, what was that app that was recommended to view the HDD looking for the big files?

If it was TreeSize free there is a portable version here:

It runs fine here on win xp.

Invisible data: :ph34r: It always adds an air of mystery to a thread.