Deleting Files with "Compressed Item Properties"

I have an annoying problem that I'd like to get resolved :(

I am trying to reinstall Rhapsody since my last installation somehow became corrupted. In trying to do this, I seem to be coming up with some conflicts with files from previous installations of Rhapsody. Technical support advised me to delete ANY file or folder that has "Rhapsody" in their names and I have succeeded in deleting about 45 of them. These were spread out between various subfolders on my "C" drive ... many of them were applications. However, I now have 14 files left that Windows' "Search" still finds (some of which are applications) but I am unable to delete them. They all seem to be leftover files associated with older ZIP files since they all have properties that describe them as having "Compressed Item Properties".

When I try to delete them, I get two messages. One is a ZIP-related message that says there is "Nothing to do". If I hit "OK", Windows then gives a message that it is "Deleting the file from the archive" but ... the notice just sits there and the file never gets deleted. I have checked the attributes of these files, and they do not seem to have any, e.g. Read-Only, Hidden, Archive.

How do I delete these files?


EDIT: Going back to the file paths for the undeletable files, I've noticed something. They all have the following format:

RhapsodyReal C:/Documents and Settings/Ptath/Desktop/Application Installations 2,149 KB Application 6/23/2006 8:15 AM

Yes ... all the slashes are "forward" slashes (/) as opposed to the normal "backward" slashes (\). Could this explain some of my problems? File sizes, dates, and file paths are all different for the 14 files but, they are recognized by Windows "search" as applications.