Deleting duplicate files

I have tried to delete duplicate files but they are still there.

I have done the search and have a list of duplicates on the screen.

I then right click and select all.

Press delete selected, and a box comes up telling me some of the selected files have not been deleted.

all the files are still there.

Is this something to do with permissions and how can I get round it.

Thanks for any help.

It's called 'Duplicate Finder'. (Not Duplicate deleter).

It will find duplicate files, and show you where those duplicates are saved.

It will show all versions of a file, the original as well as any duplicates, so it won't let you just delete everything.

Duplicate Finder can save you hours of searching, but it can't read your mind.

There is no way that any computer programme can know which ones you want to delete and which ones you want to keep.

So Duplicate Finder won't do that.

You have to look at the results yourself, and decide for yourself if you want to keep something or not.

So, I hear the Duplicate finder shows duplicate files in PC & external hard drive(s), however, please explain as in 'Deleting duplicates for Dummies' please. My E drives (2 external:@1TB) are full. How to confirm which of the duplicates are safe to delete & is there a simple rule for which type of file(extension?) never to delete. Screen prints showing samples would be more helpful for visual learners.

btw, I didn't think we needed to "dumb down" PC Cleaner as in the last version, the prior one was fine.

Agreed that the dumbing down has gone too far.

But in the case of duplicate files you have to use your own brain to decide which you want and which you can get rid of.

I don't know which copies you want to keep, and any software certainly doesn't - you have to decide that for yourself.

19 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		It's called '<strong>Duplicate Finder</strong>'. (Not Duplicate deleter).

		It will find duplicate files, and show you where those duplicates are saved.

		It will show all versions of a file, the original as well as any duplicates, so it won't let you just delete everything.

		Duplicate Finder can save you hours of searching, but it can't read your mind.

		There is no way that any computer programme can know which ones you want to delete and which ones you want to keep.

		So Duplicate Finder won't do that.

		You have to look at the results yourself, and decide for yourself if you want to keep something or not.

I realise that you have to select the files you want to delete. If you left click on a file it gives the options including select all. Selecting this will select all the files bar on in each block. Pressing delete selected should get rid of the files you have ticked but it doesn't. I have tried selecting just one file but again its still there.

I have used this before on my last computer and it worked fine. I want to use it to clear out duplicate photos.