I share the laptop I use with others, and want to be certain CCleaner will delete ALL records of chats I've had from various websites I visit. Can anyone help me be sure CCleaner either already does so or what I may need to do to get that done?
I looked at the custom features in CCleaner but wasn't sure exactly what (if anything) I should do there...
Anyone familiar with Winferno's PC COnfidential software? Does it permanently dlete all chats?
For $49.95US per year I am not about to try it!
I'm a kinda boring type of guy because I don't have paranoid delusions of people watching me nor do I do anything that government agents need to trace my Internet traffic or anybody else for that matter.
Not sure I know how to tell or find the answer to either question...sorry! DUH!
What chat program are you using? Where are you trying to add |*.*|RECURSE (presumably you are creating a winapp2.ini entry as that is what this line is for)