Deleted Windows Services Using CCleaner

OK, I will do my best to explain my situation so that maybe you guys can help me correct it.

Yesterday, I downloaded the newest version of CCleaner. Having used the older version for a long time, I am fairly familiar with the program and it's functions. I am running a Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 system. These are the steps I took.

1. I checked every box in the applications tab except 'Compact Databases' and 'Game Explorer'

2. I checked every box in the windows tab for Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer, all but 'Start Menu' and 'Desktop' under System and under Advanced I checked 'Old Prefetch' 'Menu Order' 'User Assist' and 'IIS Log Files'

3. I went to 'Options' 'Settings' and selected secure 3 pass deletion, I then went back to Cleaner and clicked on the Analyze button

4. I then clicked the Run Cleaner button and said yes to making a registry backup.

5. After it completed, I went to Registry

7. I checked all the boxes, scanned for issues, fix selected issues, then clicked where it said fix all instead of manually reviewing each issue

8. Next, I went 'Options' 'Settings' and I checked the box for wiping my main drive free space (c:) and I checked the box for wiping my MFT free space.

9. I went back to cleaner and checked the box for 'Wipe Free Space' and ran the cleaner again and made another Registry Backup.

10. Next I went to 'Tools' 'Startup' and disabled these Programs

HP Software Update

Launcher - %windir%\sminst\launcher.exe (I do not know what this one is)


Sprint Music Manager

wnpnscfg - windows media player file

google update

Adobe Arm

Adobe Speed Launcher

Quick Time Task

11. Then I restarted my computer.

12. After allowing plenty of time for all the Windows components to load I began trying to use the Internet.

13. I found these problems No Internet Connection

No Network -(Message: The dependency service or group failed to start)

No Restore Points listed in CCleaner

No Printer Listed

Desktop Background and Windows Colors reverted to Default

Under 'Control Panel' 'Backup and Restore Center' I get a message saying " The volume shadow copy service used by system

restore is not working"

In CCleaner 'Tools' 'Startup' I get a message "The system cannot find the specified file" when I attempted to enable

the Launcher program that I previously disabled.

The CCleaner desktop icon was no longer on my desktop but most all others appeared to still be there

14. I rebooted in Safe Mode and still had the same issues

15. I looked up instructions by CCleaner's online troubleshooting site from another computer

16. I did the manual search for the .reg file and found only one even though I had backed up the registry twice

17. I double clicked the .reg file and clicked yes to the question in the pop-up.

18. I then rebooted my computer and it still has all the same problems.

19. I went into Task Manager and clicked the services tab and I can see that I have a real Boat-Load of services that are 'Stopped'

20. If I right-click them and click on 'Start Service' I get a message that says "The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it." The services that are stopped are simply too many to list here. They include many netsvcs and local services.

I am hoping one of you guys can tell me how this might have happened and where I went wrong and also a method of getting these services restarted without doing a full recovery. It seems my Microsoft Programs like Word will still run bvut several others like Quicken will not run. I have my business info on here, and many many purchased program that I cannot afford to lose.

All suggestions appreciated.

You "disabled" those startups, or did you actually accidentally "delete" those startups? Disable is right above Delete so one swift wrong click could've caused your problems.

If you have a recent System Restore Point that will probably be your best option to undo the changes.

I am fairly certain on only disabled them. When I go to System Restore, it tells me that the Restore service is disabled as well.

If you only disabled them, they will still be in CCleaners start up list but greyed-out.

You can enable them again.

Have you tried going into your "Services" set up page, and at least try restarting the "System Restore" service from there.

Go to "Start\Run" and type in "services.msc" (no quotes).

If you can, double click it and set it back to "Automatic", and then select "Start".

EDIT: Just spotted that you've already tried to enable them in CCleaner.

If you have a Vista installation disc you could try using System File Checker. Basically it checks the integrity of Windows system files and if an issue is found replaces them with the originals on the disc. To invoke it put your installation disc into you CD/DVD drive, go to the command prompt (type cmd.exe into run or search) and then type sfc /scannow.

Information on SFC:

Something relating to SFC that is present in Windows Vista: