Deleted Uninstall Entrys

So I had made the mistake of deleting some uninstall entry's from my registry. Its also deleted in my actual computer settings as well. I don't know how I can get those entrys back so I can actually uninstall them. Does anyone know how I can get them back? ive restarted my computer and I havn't made a backup either.

Did you use the registry cleaner? Or did you just hit the 'Delete' button in CCleaners uninstaller?

If you just used the 'Delete' button in CCleaners uninstaller then they have only been removed from the list in CCleaner - Windows will still uninstall those apps.

In CCleaner you have to use the 'Uninstall' button to actually uninstall things, 'Delete' just removes them from the list.

If you want to get them back showing in the CCleaner list then the easiest way is to uninstall and reinstall CCleaner itself.

By now CCleaner should really have a safeguard built into it with a warning pop-up when selecting Delete and at least have a dialog that states deleting an entry will not uninstall it.

Depending upon what installer a program used reinstalling a program will recreate the uninstall link shown in CCleaner and in Windows built-in 'Add or Remove Programs' (in Win10 located at: 'Settings > Apps & Features'). Although in Win10 right-clicking a program in the Start Menu will show an Uninstall link -- now rather that relies upon the uninstall reference link being intact in the registry which CCleaner already deleted I don't know.

If you had System Restore turned on with a recent backup that could've restored the registry. Also if using a tool like the freeware Registry Backup (which automatically makes a daily registry backup) that could've also restored the registry which would of course recreate the uninstall links in the registry.

5 hours ago, Andavari said:
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		By now CCleaner should really have a safeguard built into it with a warning pop-up when selecting Delete and at least have a dialog that states deleting an entry will not uninstall it.

Personally I think that 'Delete' button should be removed from the CCleaner uninstaller tool, it only seems to cause confusion.

6 minutes ago, nukecad said:
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		Personally I think that 'Delete' button should be removed from the CCleaner uninstaller tool, it only seems to cause confusion.

I agree 100%

Yes I agree too!

Anyone that wants to delete a listed uninstaller could do so at their own risk by editing the registry. Perhaps they only ever had that in there to delete orphaned/invalid uninstall entries, which can happen if someone doesn't uninstall a program correctly by instead manually deleting a program - seems so Win98 though. Since CCleaner can't possibly restore a deleted listing it indeed should be removed from it.