Deleted Files & Analyzied Files

I notice that when Stage 1 takes place during a scan Recuva finds around 18K files then in Stage 2 it only analyzies only about a third of that,

Why the lesser amount for the Stage 2.=?

Do you mean that Stage 1 says Scanning 1500 files, and Stage 2 says Analysing 500, for example? I think that's what I get but the info flashes up too fast to read. I usually cancel stage 2 and it seems to make no difference at all.

Do you mean that Stage 1 says Scanning 1500 files, and Stage 2 says Analysing 500, for example? I think that's what I get but the info flashes up too fast to read. I usually cancel stage 2 and it seems to make no difference at all.

Yes and yours are on somewhat smaller scale than mine.

I was wondering why such a differential between the two.