delete windows installer *.tmp?

hi fans :)

i have found these folders and and files and ask me, should i delete? all from 8 or 9/2013



I've been removing .tmp files from the C:\Windows\Installer folder for years with no ill effects, but that's on this old WinXP system so I can't say if it would cause your much newer OS any troubles.

This is how I've dealt with Windows Installer left-overs for years (note that I don't use CCleaner to do it anymore, I instead use a batch file):

attrib /s -r -h -s "C:\CONFIG.MSI\*.*"
rmdir /q /s "C:\CONFIG.MSI"
attrib /s -r -h -s "%windir%\INSTALLER\*.TMP"
del /q /s /f "%windir%\INSTALLER\*.TMP"

what's the downside of having a global *.tmp in CC?

or if you want a specific target, %windir%\installer\*.tmp?

thanks andavari and mta :)

i looked once again closely...

the "*.tmp" files are all from "comodo" (the firewall i used after update from w8 to w8.1) from 2013 with 2,73 mb

the "msi*.tmp-" folders are all empty

i believe i can these files delete with certainly :)

i dont know if i can use a generally files "installer\*.tmp" and folders "installer\*.tmp-" for sure in ccleaner... :wacko:

perhaps it is better to have a look to turn from time to time and to delete something manually ...