Delete User Profile

We often get summer help and set up a pc for them to use but when they leave, all of their cookies, desktop settings, temporary files, and all the other useless data specific to that account gets left behind on the system. After a couple years of Summer and Winter part-time employees using the same system, this becomes troublesome. I have done some manual cleanings from time to time but don't feel all that confident that I got everything (especially the registry data).

It would be nice if CCleaner had a tool to completely remove a user from a computer. Of course, we don't need it to remove the network profile, just all the data and registry entries on the local system specific to the account. To address the potential security implications, you might want this tool only available to the Administrator account (not just an account with administrative privelages - Maybe make it visible but give the error; "Must be logged on as Administrator...").

We often get summer help and set up a pc for them to use but when they leave, all of their cookies, desktop settings, temporary files, and all the other useless data specific to that account gets left behind on the system. After a couple years of Summer and Winter part-time employees using the same system, this becomes troublesome. I have done some manual cleanings from time to time but don't feel all that confident that I got everything (especially the registry data).

It would be nice if CCleaner had a tool to completely remove a user from a computer. Of course, we don't need it to remove the network profile, just all the data and registry entries on the local system specific to the account. To address the potential security implications, you might want this tool only available to the Administrator account (not just an account with administrative privelages - Maybe make it visible but give the error; "Must be logged on as Administrator...").


That is a good idea. Not sure how the developers would feel about this though. I see this as more trouble than what its worth for them. Even though you could limit this to Administrative accounts only, most home users actually use their admin account as their primary account (I know I do). All it takes is someone who doesn't fully understand what they are doing to hit delete and you could have some issues. Of course, you could put several prompts up before actually deleting the accounts for security measures... Just not sure how eager the developers would be to do this.

If you log onto the system as the Admin you can use Windows own already built-in User Account tool via the Control Panel to remove users from the system. It will delete the user profile folder, and the registry for that user as well.