I'm constantly frustrated that Google adds sites automatically to the Search Engines section of Chrome (As described https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=68177 ). This is a major privacy issue since it's recording the the sites you go to and yet Google don't seem to plan anything soon to fix this.
Would be good if CCleaner could remove these.
Slightly complicated by the fact that I add some custom search engines there and wouldn't want those removed. So it'd also need maybe a white list which is why I'm guessing it might not be considered.
If I were designing it for myself I'd just get it to remove any search entry that has a url as the keyword since the ones I manually add are a single word ("ebay") while ones Google adds automatically get a url as the keyword ("ebay.co.uk")...but maybe that's just the way I use Chrome.
could be part of the browser add-on section (if possible)[/opinion]
the developers read all threads and consider viable suggestions
Edit: my mind is boggled by chromium.org's answers to the linked thread (and to the thread their "bugfixer" linked within it.
(general rule "me"/"I"/"you" refer to non-real people in the following section
so if I create a site, lets say an adult one and I put open search on it
Scenario 1: Your wife and kids will see it I the browser,because you aren't wise enough to use incognito mode.
Scenario 2: I could then feed you a fake google.com search and feed you tons of malware, just by making you think the auto added was say AVG-search (an oft snuck in searchbar bundleware, which most people don't realize they aren't just on google)
And there is no way to turn off this feature, and will never be one according to chromium.org