I rely on an 8Gb SDHC card for some important files/data, and as I have done successfully before ran Defraggler v2.01.239 on it last night before I left the office. Now this card is unrecognizable to the card reader on my laptop or a USB card reader. HELP! It is not recognized in ubuntu v10.10 either or on any other Windows machine. Please tell me my data is still there...and this is just a bad controller chip on the SD card. I have run a tool called ZAR (Zero Assumption Recovery), but it fails and tells me that I am up a creek without a paddle. I am hoping someone monitors this board...
Just like Solid State Drives (SSD) you should never defrag a flash drive because a) there's very little speed to gain and b) they have limited write cycles before malfunctioning.
If you want to make your files contiguous the correct procedure would be to:
-Create a folder on your desktop and copy the contents of your flash drive
-Format your flash drive
-Copy the files that was copied to you desktop back to the flash drive.
-Delete desktop folder and empty recycle bin.
As a guess it's possible the partition table is screwed, if you're getting "boot sector" errors with Recuva you'll need to use another freeware/crippleware recovery tool.
Richard S.