Defragmentation Programs and Hardware Issue

Defragmentation: My built in Disk Defragmenter is really taking me no further, my files are always left at 17% Total Fragemntation per Volume fagmentation. I know there are programs out there that are far better, I've tried (on another PC)Diskeeper which is meant to be the best, but thats only a trial, are there any other powerful, trusted, FREE Defragmentation programs?

Hardware Issue: Everytime I switch on my PC, I get the option to Safely remove hardware; my modem; SpeedTouch USB ADSL PPP device. It works fine, and I want the Safely Remove Hardware option to still come up when I need it (I use my USB stick a lot), so is there anything I can do? I don't want to stop it and plug it back in again, I need it and I wouldn't want to screw it up, but is there anything else I can try?

All help is appreciated.

Defragmentation: My built in Disk Defragmenter is really taking me no further, my files are always left at 17% Total Fragemntation per Volume fagmentation. I know there are programs out there that are far better, I've tried (on another PC)Diskeeper which is meant to be the best, but thats only a trial, are there any other powerful, trusted, FREE Defragmentation programs?

Hardware Issue: Everytime I switch on my PC, I get the option to Safely remove hardware; my modem; SpeedTouch USB ADSL PPP device. It works fine, and I want the Safely Remove Hardware option to still come up when I need it (I use my USB stick a lot), so is there anything I can do? I don't want to stop it and plug it back in again, I need it and I wouldn't want to screw it up, but is there anything else I can try?

All help is appreciated.


You may be having other issues with your defragmentation. If you have programs running, spyware etc...or hard drive problems, you will not be able to do a complete defragment. Try running some spyware cleaner and run your checkdisk utility to find errors, then try and defragment. As far as the hardware issue, you should have that little icon on your toolbar down by your clock, you right click it and it gives you the option to safely remove hardware. Hope this helps...


Try a defrag in 'safe mode' to see if it can deal with some locked/in-use files that it "may not" be able to deal with in 'normal mode'.

I just ran the built in Disk Defragmenter in Win XP Home Edition SP2 and got 0% total fragmentation on my hard drive.

What's fragmented ... Files? (if so what type(s) are in the Disk Defragmenter > Analysis Report > Most fragmented files list?) Folders? Pagefile? MFT?

I just ran the built in Disk Defragmenter in Win XP Home Edition SP2 and got 0% total fragmentation on my hard drive.

What's fragmented ... Files? (if so what type(s) are in the Disk Defragmenter > Analysis Report > Most fragmented files list?) Folders? Pagefile? MFT?


Defragmented files are for example,



the lines represent your, you uninstall some programs

-------- ------ ---- ------ -----

----- -- -------- ------- -------

now you have fragmented files, it's a tad more complicated but you get the picture.

now, defragment them



it is put back together for better access to the remaining files instead of searching all over.

Some files remain in place like your boot files, etc...and will not change.

Page file is a virtual memory used by the hard drive. It is a portion set aside to be written to and used as ram when ram resources run out.. say you have 128 mb ram, you run a video and it needs 256 ram, the page file will make up the 128 used by the hard drive as ram in order for you to run the program.

Hope this helps. Paul

I'll try a big cleanup and defrag in safe mode then, its just weird as thats what I normally do, I did a big cleanup recently.

As far as the hardware issue, you should have that little icon on your toolbar down by your clock, you right click it and it gives you the option to safely remove hardware. Hope this helps...

I know, but thats the thing, I don't want it there for that particular peice of hardware, but if its meant to be there...

I'll try a big cleanup and defrag in safe mode then, its just weird as thats what I normally do, I did a big cleanup recently.

I know, but thats the thing, I don't want it there for that particular peice of hardware, but if its meant to be there...


This hardware wizard allows you to SAFELY remove hardware. I have a USB stick and you can acutally damage it by not clicking on that little guy and safely removing it. You can try and choose to always hide it in your toolbar options. Other than that, if you have some removable device, it will remain there.

Right click your toolbar\properties\ look in your list below or (may be on top if in use) find the safely remove hardware and clikc on hide when inactive, use the drop down menu and change it to always hide. See if that helps.


Ultimate Predator, comicfan

Sorry I wasn't clear.

What's fragmented ... Files? (if so what type(s) are in the Disk Defragmenter > Analysis Report > Most fragmented files list?)? Folders?? Pagefile?? MFT?
I was trying to find out if Ultimate Predator could tell from the Analysis Report what was remaining fragmented. There are special procedures to defragment some, e.g., the Pagefile.

Also, if you need a specialty defragmenter, you'll want to know the problems it needs to handle.

Use PerfectDisk7 (trial, but works like a dream)

Yeah, I'll just do yet another cleanup with defrag in safe mode.

are there any other powerful, trusted, FREE Defragmentation programs?

Yep, iv always used Power Defragmenter to defrag my drive, free and works perfectly, simply unzip it to a directory of your choice, then double click the .exe file to run it.

Although you will need Contig in the same directory as Power Defragmenter for it to run, its a small pice of defrag software from Sysinternals.

Also if you are having problems with runnig the windows built in one:

First are you runnning WinXp SP2, if so run a virus and spyware scan.

If you are on a Win9x machine, boot into safe mode first.

About your hardware problem, i have got a little confused with the posts made, you say on start up windows wants to remove your modem (SpeedTouch USB ADSL) and later you talk about your "USB Pen Stick", are you having a problem with both?

For the Pen Stick, just don't plug it in untill the computer is already started up, can't rely do much about the icon appearing for that (other then auto hide it), but in the end you need it to safly remove the Pen stick anyway, or you could damage the driver, and iv even seen cases where work has been lost/corrupted on the pen stick because it wasn't safely removed.

But iv never heard of this happening with a USB moden, although there not common so i haven't seen many, but i wouldn't of thought this is normal, i would suggest contacting your ISP about this, i would think they could resolve the problem (maybe by just reinstalling the driver, or installing a more up-to date one).


I think the SpeedTouch USB ADSL is there for removal as its plugged into a USB slot, its there for whenever I wan to safely remove it. Defragmentaiton wise I'll try it all in safe mode, if I'm still fragmented a lot I'll try a free one.

Yep, iv always used Power Defragmenter to defrag my drive, free and works perfectly, simply unzip it to a directory of your choice, then double click the .exe file to run it.

Although you will need Contig in the same directory as Power Defragmenter for it to run, its a small pice of defrag software from Sysinternals.

Also if you are having problems with runnig the windows built in one:

First are you runnning WinXp SP2, if so run a virus and spyware scan.

If you are on a Win9x machine, boot into safe mode first.

About your hardware problem, i have got a little confused with the posts made, you say on start up windows wants to remove your modem (SpeedTouch USB ADSL) and later you talk about your "USB Pen Stick", are you having a problem with both?

For the Pen Stick, just don't plug it in untill the computer is already started up, can't rely do much about the icon appearing for that (other then auto hide it), but in the end you need it to safly remove the Pen stick anyway, or you could damage the driver, and iv even seen cases where work has been lost/corrupted on the pen stick because it wasn't safely removed.

But iv never heard of this happening with a USB moden, although there not common so i haven't seen many, but i wouldn't of thought this is normal, i would suggest contacting your ISP about this, i would think they could resolve the problem (maybe by just reinstalling the driver, or installing a more up-to date one).



You brought up a good point and I would like to touch on it. If a USB modem's drivers are not properly or not installed at all, this will constantly come up as found new device. Just thought i'd let you know since I have had to fix this for many people. Take care, Paul

No, it just comes up with the option to safely remove it....

Have you by any chance tried Syinternals PageDefrag? It lists a few files that it can defrag before Windows even starts.

Maybe I'll give it a go, only if the problem persists even after safe mode.

No, it just comes up with the option to safely remove it....


Ok, but the icon is there because it is detecting it as a removable device, not one perminantly installed.

Ok, but the icon is there because it is detecting it as a removable device, not one perminantly installed.


Also, if I have my usb device plugged in, I don't get a complete defrag since it is in use on the system. Did you defrag ok before? Even with the device icon?

Yeah, it was fine, I never defrag with a USB in there anyway. I'm not too bothered anyways, I'll see how it goes.

Fixed the defrag problem, it wasn't able to defrag a large file that I had (a portion of a DVD I had ripped to my PC that I hadn't got copied), thats all cleared up now, 0% total fragmentation.

Hardware Issue - I'm pretty sure thats there just for when i want to take it off my PC, it reports its all working O.K.