Defragmentation: My built in Disk Defragmenter is really taking me no further, my files are always left at 17% Total Fragemntation per Volume fagmentation. I know there are programs out there that are far better, I've tried (on another PC)Diskeeper which is meant to be the best, but thats only a trial, are there any other powerful, trusted, FREE Defragmentation programs?
Hardware Issue: Everytime I switch on my PC, I get the option to Safely remove hardware; my modem; SpeedTouch USB ADSL PPP device. It works fine, and I want the Safely Remove Hardware option to still come up when I need it (I use my USB stick a lot), so is there anything I can do? I don't want to stop it and plug it back in again, I need it and I wouldn't want to screw it up, but is there anything else I can try?
All help is appreciated.