Defraggler will not start after installation on Windows XP Pro Sp3 . Anyone know whats going on?
Does it give any error? Make sure the process is running in the background. Open taskmanager, then processes.
Does it give any error? Make sure the process is running in the background. Open taskmanager, then processes.
Yes, there is an error right when the program starts. I have attached a picture. The process will run no matter if there is an error or not. I only have two hard drives attached. But it is showing floppy and another drive i cant see.
Hello Jolt,
I have posted many times about the error on first startup and have even pm'd admins to try to get help on it. I love this program but have been frustrated about this issue and feel like I get nowhere here when I ask for help. I did find that the error for me and for a few others is related to being behind a proxy and defraggler wanting to check for updates but not being able to pass through due to authentication. This should be a simple fix as it only seems to request this check on first run of defraggler. When I unplug the network cable and run the program it gives an error about internet connection not found and then will work fine every time after that reguardless of network connection. Try to unplug the network cable or disable your network adapter and run the program. If it then works, maybe someone else can be a voice to see if they can apply a fix to not crash when it can't resolve proxy requiring authentication.
Thank you,