On an HP Pavilion laptop 15-cw1063wm, with one HDD and one SSD (the SSD, with 4 partitions), I plan to install a NU/Linux distribution on the SSD, for which it is recommended:
1- Defragment the disk (in this case, the SSD). I clarify that this defragmentation (of the SSD) I would do it only this time.
2- Resize the occupied partitions, so that one is completely free and of the largest possible size.
3- In that free partition, install the NU/Linux distribution, which should be done like this:
3a- Create a partition '/ root', where NU/Linux will be installed;
3b- Create a second partition: 'swap', as swap memory;
3c- Create a third partition: '/ home', equivalent to 'Documents and settings' in Windows.
On the other hand, the HDD is shared by both platforms (Windows 10 and NU/Linux) and contains the files created by the user.
Can you, please, tell me how to use Defraggler?; what care should I have? I await your instructions and recommendations. Thanks.
- I would use an extra external USB drive (buy it or perhaps a friend can help out) to TEMPORARILY move as much non-system Windows files as possible to that USB drive. That would create additional free space on your HDD / SSD. There are more ways to free up more disk space (use your imagination). That would make the partitioning & resizing of the partitions much more easy.
- You can use Defraggler (DF) to move the (Windows related) files towards the beginning of a drive as much as possible. In DF you can use the option "Defrag Freespace" or "Defrag Freespace (allow frgamentation)". Although the Windows' defragmentation program also does a very decent job. Both programs simply have their own weaknesses and strengths. Or use both programs to get the best result. Sometimes you need to use the programs more than once to get the best result.
- Defragmenting a SSD: My PERSONAL opinion is that one should defragment a SSD as well. But limit it to only once say every 3 months. The reason for that opinion is the technology used to write data to a SSD.