Defraggler Update Checker Not Working?

Hi, I'm using Win Xp SP3 & Firefox. Defraggler's manual update link( is not working though javascript is enabled. It always reports 'A new version is available to download' even if I have the latest version installed. Can the developers fix this? Thx!

This is not the manual Defraggler update link, there's no manual update link for Piriform software, you need to see which is your current version and see if it's number is equal to the latest one.

This link will aways show you the latest release available because the URL should look like this to work properly. You need to specify the current version installed via PHP (?v=1.16.165) because Piriform can't detect what is your version (not in a webpage, webpages can't do that unless there's a plugin installed [which doesn't exists for the Piriform softwares]).

If you write the latest version number in the URL for example you will get the message that the software is updated.

So, the right thing to do is to use the "Check for updates..." link in the left bottom corner of Defraggler or select yes if it tells you that there's a new version and if you want to go download it.

You can also use software such as Update Checker to check for updates for you.