Defraggler spooked by Windows 7?

Hi, newly switched to Windows 7, with 1 Tb HDD in NTFS (brand new, about 15% used space).

First run of Defrag appeared to have aborted itself (or was aborted by HP??).

Second run showed an even higher defragmentation of 19%/>40G defragged files.

When it was down to 8G defragmented files and still showing 19% defragged, I stopped it because it seemed hung up.

Suggestions anyone?


Are the fragmented files in C:\System Volume Information\ with random names ?

Are the fragmented files in C:\System Volume Information\ with random names ?

Sorry, not proficient enough to answer intelligently. How do I find this?

Are the fragmented files in C:\System Volume Information\ with random names ?

There are 7 identical files named: C:\Sys..Vol..Info..\SPP\OnlineMetadataCache\

and one single but huge entry named:


This entry by itself represents 3.9Gb of the total 4.7Gb fragmented files (13%).

I see no sign of random names.

Is this any help?

That is what I call a "random name" - very long, hexadecimal nonsense.

This is a System Restore Point. You can't defrag it. And it would be pointless to defrag it.

If you really want to have a fully defragged drive, and are sure that your computer is working properly, you can disable System Restore and re-enable it.

That is what I call a "random name" - very long, hexadecimal nonsense.

This is a System Restore Point. You can't defrag it. And it would be pointless to defrag it.

If you really want to have a fully defragged drive, and are sure that your computer is working properly, you can disable System Restore and re-enable it.

Got it. Will unchecking this entry from the defrag process.

On Win 7 there's also a smaller drive (partition?) called 'Factory Image'. Should this be defragged too?

Thanks ever so much for your help.