I would like if someone can tell me if using Defraggler with PageDefrag from Sysinternals are both required.
The reason I ask this whenever I launch the PageDefrag it always shows fragments at 1 but today for the first time I noticed one item being at 2 fragments.
So before using it I defragged with Defraggler and than returned to PageDefrag and noticed that the same item that was at 2 fragments was than at 1 fragment.
So does this mean PageDefrag from Sysinternals is not required since I use Defraggler?
I would like if someone can tell me if using Defraggler with PageDefrag from Sysinternals are both required.
The reason I ask this whenever I launch the PageDefrag it always shows fragments at 1 but today for the first time I noticed one item being at 2 fragments.
So before using it I defragged with Defraggler and than returned to PageDefrag and noticed that the same item that was at 2 fragments was than at 1 fragment.
So does this mean PageDefrag from Sysinternals is not required since I use Defraggler?
Anyone can clerify this for me.
Much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Not as far as I know.
PageDefrag does many system files that are not available when Windows is running.
Your report is interesting. I hope the Devs respond.
Which file was the file that changed after running Defraggler ?
This occurred after installing Window Updates and it was the only time I found fragments with Sysinternals.
Hey Davey,
I thought you might be interested in knowing that today after installing a windows update (Microsoft Outlook 2007 junk filter) I noticed the pageDefrag had 3 items with 2 fragments.
The 3 items with 2 fragments were:
1. C\Windows\System 32\Config\Default
2. C\Windows\System 32\Config\Software
3. C\Windows\System 32\Config\System
So I guess Dfefraggler is able to defrag page files.or at least soemtimes.