Hi all,
strange problem and hopefully someone has a solution...
Yesterday I analyzed a hard drive and set it to defrag. After a while I stopped it (took to long and didn't want the computer on all night
)just to resume it today.
But to my horror the disk appears to be unaccessible.... explorer says local disk.... wtf? ![:unsure:]()
Error message in defraggler: the volume does not contain a recognized file system
According to defraggler the disk is also totally full, which it was not at the time of the analyze/partly defrag.
Please don't tell me I need to format the drive....
Any suggestions?
Start, Run: chkdsk d: /r (assuming d: is the faulty drive) and reboot your computer.
Richard S.
Hi Richard,
thanks for the answer, will try that as soon as I get home.
What does the /r do?
Well... I guess it's time to format...
When trying to chkdsk I get this message:
Cannot run chkdsk -'CHKDSK is not available for RAW drives'
Is it possible that defraggler caused this?
I used it many times without a problem, this would be a first.
Well... I guess it's time to format...
When trying to chkdsk I get this message:
Cannot run chkdsk -'CHKDSK is not available for RAW drives'
Is it possible that defraggler caused this?
I used it many times without a problem, this would be a first.
Is it a FAT or NTFS partition? Maybe issuing a fdisk /mbr or similar would help.
It was a NTFS partition, formatted it anyway.
It was not that big a deal, only just two games I lost and a couple of movies.
The only strange thing is that it happened after I stopped defraggler after appr. 36%
I like(d) defraggler I now just hesitate to use it....
Next time you can use a free tool like TestDisk to get your data from your RAW drive. Probably your data was still available. And if there are no or almost none new files on the formated drive you can also use TestDisk to get all your data back.
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
Installing the two games again and will let defraggler have a go after that... I'll keep you informed.