Defraggler keeps swapping 2 files from place

When I try to defrag my R:\ drive, the yellow and green block keep switching places, and the "defragging freespace" stays at 66%.

just wanted to let you know.

debug file is attached ;)

*edit : debug-file is 45,7 MB, rarred 1,68 MB, but i'm not allowed to upload rar-files :-/ *

try 7-zip . Might work, it has it's own zip type.

try 7-zip . Might work, it has it's own zip type.

"Error Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file"

(although it's indeed a little smaller than rar :-) )

edit : so i've cut out a little part and uploaded that in .txt

mind my log is more or less the same for fifteen minutes around the part i've uploaded ...

