Defraggler jumps all over the screen

Defraggler is a cool tool, but it has a bad bug.

If you go to defrag, select the files to defrag, then click defrag & a window will pop up with pause/stop etc.

But if you drag the top window of Defraggler, the little box is happy to move all over your screen, or even off the screen, never to be found again. How confusing to lose your controls, simply because you dragged Defraggler around the screen by it's title bar!

See it in action with the pics I am including! Pic 1 shows a normal Defraggler session, while 2 shows the magical moving box!


It might be because I am new here, but where are the pictures? I cannot seem to replicate this error.

It might be because I am new here, but where are the pictures? I cannot seem to replicate this error.

You're ok jojotjuh, I don't see 'em either. :lol:

Edit - Now I see it after mr don's resubmission. :)

You're ok jojotjuh, I don't see 'em either. :lol:

It didn't seem to take the picture the first time I tried. So I just waited & resubmitted them.

If you do the file based defrag, then drag the top title bar (sometimes you need to move defraggler out of the way), then it will move the defraggler pause buttons that pop up. But they do not follow defraggler, they go clear across the screen, disappear, & do not seem to come back till you stop/restart the defrag process!

This happens in XP, Vista, or Windows 7.