I though other programs were better than standard Windows 10 defrag tool. So I have given a chance to Defraggler.
My main drive is 1 TB WD10EZEX HDD. I don't have SSD right now.
First of all, volume shadow copy and other settings like that, increase defrag time too much. Okay, I have disabled them and defrag time improved but it is still much slower than Windows 10 Home standard defrag tool. Probably it defrags larger files too.
I have tried fast defrag options and slow defrag problem was gone. But HDD performance reduced drastically either way. No matter what settings I have tried, I couldn't recover my HDD performance. The only solution is using standart defrag tool of Windows OS.
After Defraggler defrag --> Crystal mark calculated 90-100 MB sequential reading speed.
After Windows defrag --> Crystal mark calculated >160 MB sequential reading speed.
Another problem is, moving larger files to the slowest section of the HDD. At first it is a good idea but unfortunately Windows started writing all new large files to the slowest section. Games and programs are loading slowly right now. I always move larger files with Windows standard defrag tool as a result. MEH. (Defragging empty space etc. didn't work for me.)
So, I have removed Defraggler and will not use any other defrag programs like this. Standard windows defrag is the best option because Microsoft knows best about their operating system, not third party developers right ?
My take on modern computers with Windows 10 and defrag programs is this:
I only use them as a file list defrag tool, meaning click Analyze and only defragment what it lists in the file list as fragmented, and the defrag process is vastly faster using that approach.
Some of what's in that file list of the 3rd party defrag tool Windows Defrag & Optimize Drives couldn't begin to bother itself with if it's bigger than 60 ~ 65 MB or thereabouts (which to me is too small of a size to ignore), which makes a 3rd party defrag tool still handy in that particular situation. Although with really big files with only a few fragments it's generally a huge waste of time to defragment them.
I'm in the same boat. I've run it three times on a Windows 10 machine, and until I turned off VSS, it kept chewing up more & more of my drive space. It's beyond me why disabling VSS isn't the default on a Windows 10 machine. When defragging the first time, I went from 70GB free to about half that.
Even then, once it was done, it claimed that I have 13 files in 40 fragments, occupying ~ 6GB. If I immediately run it again, it claims I have 200 fragmented files in 570 fragments, occupying ~6.1GB.
Back before Windows 10 came with its own defragger, I've used a variety of commercial ones, and this is by far the worse. I can't recall any others that couldn't even provide consistent results over a span of 5 seconds. I find it very hard to believe that even Microsoft could fragment my drive that much that fast.