Defraggler installer problem

On Defraggler, I have given up. The installer never stops checking for updates after you install it.

Even if you uncheck it on the installer, it still ignores it & checks no matter if you uncheck or check it.


Additionally, on certain machines, it will refuse to set a schedule. Cannot change properties or whatever, even after running as admin...

It's quite simple. I think, the Piriform folks want to make sure the user has the latest version. So, that check is done the first time DF runs after installation, it's done on purpose.

But you've stumbled upon a bug in DF. When the user has indicated that he/she doesn't want to check for newer versions in the installer program then DF fails to remember that setting. Click on Settings, Options, General and you'll see that the box called Automatically check for updates to Defraggler is ticked.

With a few extra lines of programcode the problem can be solved. But I doubt if the Piriform folks are willing to incorporate those few extra lines.

It's quite simple. I think, the Piriform folks want to make sure the user has the latest version. So, that check is done the first time DF runs after installation, it's done on purpose.

But you've stumbled upon a bug in DF. When the user has indicated that he/she doesn't want to check for newer versions in the installer program then DF fails to remember that setting. Click on Settings, Options, General and you'll see that the box called Automatically check for updates to Defraggler is ticked.

With a few extra lines of programcode the problem can be solved. But I doubt if the Piriform folks are willing to incorporate those few extra lines.

Why would anyone need it to check if it is the most up-to-date when they just downloaded & are installing the most up-to-date?

Why is Defraggler the only one that does this, IE, CCleaner, Recuva, Speccy never bug you like this!

Additionally, it doesn't just check for updates. It also sets it to check for updates in the .ini file?

Why not just NOT check for updates like the other installers?

Having an update checker just wastes my bandwidth! Update checks should be optional, not mandatory! I fully know that every month there is a new version, & I prefer downloading manually rather than having something check for updates every time I launch it!

The more I think about it the more I think this is a BUG in DF that needs to be corrected in a future version.

Here's another suggestion for the update feature. DF could be programmed to ALWAYS look for a new version after every, say 15, 20 or 30 days only. But if the user wants to be informed of a new version being available every time the user starts the program then he/she should tick that particular box, either in the install program or in the Settings menu.