I repeatedly tried to upgrade the previous version of Defraggler to 1.08.132, but it consistently wouldn't work, despite trying to download the latest software using different websites.
A bug (error) message kept on occurring giving me the option to either; ignore or cancel.
By luck (magic) it has now hopefully downloaded version: 1.08.132, but why did it consistently failed countless times before downloading the latest version - I never did get past the bug (error) section - The only explanation that it downloaded the latest version in the background - by passing the dialogue box that contained the bug.
I was not registered. My Computer system:- PIII, 600MHz, Office Ultimate 2007, 4GB spare, 384 MB RAM, & Windows XP Pro. The Recuver and CCleaner downloaded their latest softwares properly so why didn't the Defraggler download without any problem?
What caused the problem?
Probably two other problems occurred:
1) After a certain percentage of defragmentation (about eg 24% or 74%) Defraggler would not actually defragment
A) Verified because the squares stopped changing colours, despite leaving defraggler to process
over night when usually just takes minutes to defragment.
SOLUTION: I eventually uninstalled version 1.08.132 and then reinstalled it - All problems were solved, despite that Piriform claimed that uninstallation is not necessary.
Despite that CCleaner and Recuva appears to be working properly I shall uninstall those apllications and reinstall them also.
I have replied to my own question, because other people are probably having the same problems.
The problem that I have now is how to enter this message. If I have duplicated any messages than the administrator can delete and also state where I can find the correct page that gives instruction of adding messages.
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Thank you, I have added the web page to my Favourite's listing.
If I just want to reply to a posting that has been made without quoting (repeating) the posting what should I do?