Defraggler experimant and some ideas


(i apologize for my poor english)

I made an image of my games partition (116.4 GB NTFS with 57.1GB used).

I defragmented it with an old norton product

I set again the image and tried piriform.

- With Norton SpeedDisk : 0h27

Windows (dfrg.msc) shows only blue

- With Defraggler 1.03.094 :

Automatic : ~3h10 to get to 54% and freezes?

Manual : Selected all file\Defrag Checked then Action\Advanced\Defrag Freespace

After 0h35 and 7 passes of that method, it still leaves a file (fallout1 audio 4317ko unused).

Defraggler can defrag the file but after that leaves some free space fragmented

And when i Defrag the freespace (without 'allowing'), the file is fragmented...

So overall it took : 0h42 (and still one fragmented file)

Windows (dfrg.msc) show a Red line (the fragmented file)

Overall Piriform Defraggler is a good product (light, effective and has very good look) but i may suggest some ideas :

- spreads a binairy form eg the two zipped file (the installation doesn't bring that much to me)

- allocate more than the 131Mo of RAM if available (Both tools have left about 1.3Go of free DDR!)

what about to allocate the free space of some other drives if this can speed up the defragmentation

- add a "defrag windows registry" otpion

- Quicker 'pause' and 'stop' button

- Set the upper window resizing (drives) to see all drives and caracteristics - I mean on two colons

- Show Piriform's logo on the right (end of the bar menu)

- Show the "Drive Map Legend" as a tool bar - the 7 items integrated after "Action Setting Help"

- Add the "Schedule" (option menu tab) to the tool bar - like "Action - Setting - Schedule - Help"

- Add a "quick explainations" on the "Help menu" - method, security...

- Allow others languages with a file selection (i can help for the french)

- Add a square zooming next to the pointer when it flies over the map (like HTML tooltip)

- Add a remember option for the presentation of Defraggler - And a File for the drives histories

- Add a remember option for the presentation of Defraggler

- Add a historic (in one file) to follow drives usage an statistics (and the Defraggler versions)

I 'am very impatient to follow the evolution of that great tool you are making.

Thank you !


Thank you !

Hi regradj,

Thanks for your post.Welcome to the forums !!! :D

Try testing the latest version of Defraggler v1.04.

See this thread about available translations.

Good luck,

:) davey