Defraggler.exe fails in Normal Mode

I like your program, but unfortunately I'm unable to run the graphical version in normal mode. I get "Analysis Failed" and "Building File List Failed" for Analysis and Defrag commands, respectively. I ran (tried) the analysis component in both Safe and Normal mode with the /debug switch on. The logs were about the same up to the point of "Initialization finished," but after that Defraggler in Safe Mode goes to ReadMftVcn...sing MFT record data...UpdateDriveMap...AnalyzeNtfsVolume...ReadFileRecords... etc while whereas in Normal mode it just fizzles out with:

[21:22:39.796] 00aa8 1 CNtfs::ReadFileRange#65 SetFilePointerEx failed with error code: 0x00000003 (hVolume: 0x00000568, offset: 0)

[21:22:39.796] 00aa8 1 CNtfs::LoadMft#38 ReadFileRange failed with error code 3.


Does that mean anything to anyone?