Are there any known reason as to why I might be getting this error?
I remember reading somewhere that defraggler is not able to scan 3TB HD's, is this true?
Also, an irrelevant question... Does anyone know what is with the different external drive icons?
Are there any known reason as to why I might be getting this error?
I remember reading somewhere that defraggler is not able to scan 3TB HD's, is this true?
Also, an irrelevant question... Does anyone know what is with the different external drive icons?
I am not sure yet.
I would assume that if a 3 TB drive is partitioned into 2 TB partitions, it will work.
Not 100% certain on this.
Alternatively, if you have only need for 2 TB, u could save the rest for when you need it.
Now, if you have your drive securely encrypted (vault? what kind of vault? made by what program?), then I am sure it can cause problems.
Perhaps I am wrong on this.
Therefore, I leave the thread open to further suggestions from anyone who knows (or has tried) things such as this to be for sure.