I don't know about the scheduling, was your computer turned on at the scheduled time?
The percentage shown is a percentage of the drives capacity.
So if it's a (multi) TB drive a couple of hundred files will still be a very low percentage, and may be that low it gets rounded down to zero.
As for the time it's taking then I suspect that you are doing a full disc defragment, which is also a 'consolidation defrag'.
Consolidation is the type of whole disc defrag that was needed in the past with smaller drives to get all the files scrunched up together and free up contiguous space on the drive. (It would/could actually fragment files to fit them into a smaller number of clusters, thus freeing up more whole clusters - and Defraggler can also do that at times).
With todays large drives consolidation is rarely needed, there is usually plenty of free space, and so it's usually quicker just to do a 'file defragment'.
That gets your files into one piece each so that they can be read slightly faster from the drive.
By default Defraggler does some of both, and with todays larger drives it's the consolidation that takes time. (And the bigger the drive the longer it can take).
eg. in your second example it's not just defragging that 1 file, it's doing that then consolidating the whole disc.
Most of us in the know do a file defrag only.
In Defraggler do an Analyze.
In the 'Status' pane where it shows the results click on the button that says 'View Files'. (Or you can select the 'File List' tab above that pane).
That brings up a list of the fragmented files with a checkbox next to each one, and another checkbox right at the top next to 'Filename'.
Click on that top box to select all of the files, and the button at the bottom will change to say 'Defrag Checked'.
Click on 'Defrag Checked' and it will then defragment the fragmented files only, without trying to consolidate everything else on the drive.
Here's a screenshot of a completed file defrag I've just done (254 files, took about 3 minutes):
Obviously that's much quicker than a full disc consolidation, although it can still take time if there are a lot of files and/or fragments.
Done weekly my file defrag usually takes about 5 to 10 minutes.
One thing to note is that a file defrag will often finish saying that some files couldn't be defragmented. Here's the one I've just done:
That is nothing to worry about, it's just that some of the fragmented files have been re-opened/changed by the system whilst you were analyzing/defraging so then couldn't be defragged. (Often they are Windows Defender files, but there are others. Sometimes it may seem you will never be able to defrag them because they are alway open).
Everything else will still have been defragged, and the ones that couldn't be defragged skipped till next time.
In this case with the defrag I just ran to get the screenshots, the files that couldn't be defragged were some Firefox files - because I had Firefox open and it was using them, so they had changed since the Analyze was done.
Defraggler is smart enough to know that something had changed since the Analyze, and so that it shouldn't touch them without a new Analyze.
You can see that the files above and below (even some Firefox files that hadn't changed) have been defragged and are now in one piece each.