Defraggler causing 0x7F BSOD before boot even in safe mode

Defraggler has caused a BSOD boot loop on a laptop with a fresh installation of Win7. it was supposed to run a boot-time defrag. I get 0x7F even on safe mode and I don't know how to manually disable the offending item at boot time.

I can get to the recovery GUI but the automatic startup repair does not work. Last known good configuration gives BSOD.

Where is Defraggler told to start and how do I manually disable it from a command prompt?

This is fairly urgent for me. I have some legal paperwork due soon. thanks!

Do you get the open 'last known good configuration' when you press F8 ?

If so go for it.

Other option is if you are offered a System Restore.

As I said, Last know good config also gives BSOD.

System restore fails.

So, Defraggler has fragged my system? I can get into recovery mode and access a prompt. I can run Notepad or Regedit from the command line. not much else will attempt to run.

Is there a registry setting or file I can edit to disable whatever has changed at boot time?

Not that I can think of :(

Are you able to navigate to the dump file through notepad and put it on a usb flash drive?

Have you discounted hardware such as memory etc?

admittedly, this is messy, but the first (and currently only) method that comes to mind is to put the laptop drive into another PC.

then you could either;

  • on that PC, go into regedit, File, Load Hive... and find the hive file that contains where MSCONFIG puts it Run & RunOnce keys and remove Defraggler.


but as stated, messy.

in all honesty, however you got to where you are now, I think (sadly) it's time to consider a 'nuke from space' approach and do (another) fresh install of Windows.

If you go down the new install route, as soon as you get it set up use this and make an image and store it on an external drive then you will never have a situation like this again.

How to do this..

Just a question, for mta or Hazelnut, can your instructions be implemented from a linux boot cd or USB stick?

I say just a question I can't tell someone how to do it, not experienced enough,

Some linux boot cds have repair tools on them, and will allow access to locked windows files.

I would have no reservations about trying if I were in Hex's situation.

personally, I would reinstall Windows.

when all is said and done, it'll just be quicker I reckon.

plus has the added advantage of definitely knowing you are (re)starting from a clean slate.

the reg hack would still entail chasing down any other side-effects once the laptop gets bootable.

you could certainly use the Linux idea for my second bullet point as it is after-all just moving system files around.

don't see how it would work for my first bullet point. I would only edit the windows registry with a windows tried-and-true tool (regedit).

I'm not much of an expert on Linux - does it even have a program to edit a Windows registry file?

Another option you might try (from the well, what have I got to loose book) is this

Read comments as well.

personally, I would reinstall Windows.

. . . Linux - does it even have a program to edit a Windows registry file?

Probably good idea, to reinstall.

Not sure about the registry editor workings. I haven't used a linux disk for repairs for a long time.

Some of them, like Hiren's Boot CD, do repairs, including disk managers, but they are dangerous. They don't have the built in protections of windows.

Still, if one repairs computer problems often, they're worth a look, and well worth the price of a CD or DVD.

Hiren's content is described at:

It downloads from:

Be CAREFUL, don't click the big rectangles at the top of the page.

Instead, go down the page to some small type that says this, and click the link to the zip file. :


Filesize: 592.5 MB (621283886 bytes)

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