Defraggler has caused a BSOD boot loop on a laptop with a fresh installation of Win7. it was supposed to run a boot-time defrag. I get 0x7F even on safe mode and I don't know how to manually disable the offending item at boot time.
I can get to the recovery GUI but the automatic startup repair does not work. Last known good configuration gives BSOD.
Where is Defraggler told to start and how do I manually disable it from a command prompt?
This is fairly urgent for me. I have some legal paperwork due soon. thanks!
So, Defraggler has fragged my system? I can get into recovery mode and access a prompt. I can run Notepad or Regedit from the command line. not much else will attempt to run.
Is there a registry setting or file I can edit to disable whatever has changed at boot time?
admittedly, this is messy, but the first (and currently only) method that comes to mind is to put the laptop drive into another PC.
then you could either;
on that PC, go into regedit, File, Load Hive... and find the hive file that contains where MSCONFIG puts it Run & RunOnce keys and remove Defraggler.
with the laptop drive in another PC, you could also do a registry recovery process from the \windows\system32\config folder, similar to
but as stated, messy.
in all honesty, however you got to where you are now, I think (sadly) it's time to consider a 'nuke from space' approach and do (another) fresh install of Windows.