Defraggler 1.21 - Recycle bin

As you can see on the screenshot below, Defraggler thinks it can throw out 2 GB of junk.

If you look at the Total Commander window however you can see that it's the usual 85 bytes. I never use the Recycle bin.

I had already cleaned up temp files, the directory c:\temp is my own temp. (With only 100 MB in it.)

What does Defraggler want to delete? Or is it an error?


Yes, that's on drive C:, but how much diskspace occupy the recycle bins on drive D:, E:, ..... ? If the user wants to defrag e.g. drive C: only then DF simply wants to empty all recycle bins on all other drives as well.

You say you never use the recycle bin but I am not so sure of that. I know - at least - one program that uses the recycle bin: Outlook Express (OE). When OE compresses its folders then it moves the old uncompressed folders to the Recycle bin. So, perhaps Outlook and other programs use this ""trick"" as well.

B.T.W. Do you already use Ccleaner ? (from the Piriform folks as well).

I have 3 harddisks, and checked all of them.

Never use the delete button, always Shift-delete, and habitually delete the folder Recycle bin when I see Windows created it yet again.

No Outlook express or such in use.

I also empty the tempfolder before defragging, as well as other folders I don't want to use anyway, like the IE cache folders.

I know what I'm doing, have been doing that and way more for years.

CCleaner is not a program I use. Most of what it can do I do manually, or leave as is as it's not in the way.

I can understand that you're very careful to keep your drives as clean as possible, especially when I see who your employer is. And that's why Ccleaner is such a wonderful cleaneing program. It's highly customizeable.

Well, then you'll have to dig a little deeper. Use a program like ExplorerXP, Treesize or JDiskreport to see in which folder that 2 GB is hiding. Perhaps that 2 GB is hiding in (the Recycle bin in) that folder Sandbox ? It appears to be only 2 months old.