Defraggler Version 1.02.078 RC2
The GUI on this new version [RC2] is much better than RC1
- thanks !
Having played about with it for a while, here are my observations
and suggestions regarding RC2:-
1) The drive list, drive map and the tabbed panel area [containing the
drive status/properties or file list] are all resizeable and the
settings are persisted between invocations of the program.
- So, for example, I can set it do that all of my drives appear
in the drive list without having to scroll: excellent !
2) I like the fact that the "Defrag" button now shows "Defrag Checked"
or "Defrag Highlighted" according to whether one has checked or
highlighted fragmented files. Good !
3) I note that when "re-analysing" a drive that has been previously
analysed, that Defraggler just does it, without asking whether
the user really wants to do it. That suits me, because it's
one fewer click, and it's perfectly obvious on the "status" panel
whether or not a drive has been previously analysed.
1) I'm still not convinced of the need for the current tabbed panel.
- At least not in it's current form [see "Suggestions" ;-) ]
The Status/Properties information is of some use, but could be
tucked away elsewhere on the display [more of this later...].
2) I do not like the progress dialogue box when defragging selected
files: I prefer the simple small white progress window that was
used up to version 1.01.073 partly as a matter of style but mostly
because the old progress window was updated in a separate thread,
such that the file list could be scrolled whilst defragging was
taking place. This is not possible with the new progress dialogue
box. But much more important is the fact that the one can't even
minimise the Defraggler window whilst it is defragging selected
files !
3) Whilst I welcome the way that the label on the "Defrag" button
changes to "Defrag Checked" and "Defrag Highlighted" where
appropriate, I believe that the default label should be
"Defrag Drive", because that is what it would do !
1) Change the default label on the "Defrag" button to "Defrag Drive".
2) Reinstate the old simple progress window when defragging files.
3) Do away with the current Drive/File List tabbed panel and leave
this area to always show the file list (as before RC1).
4) OK, so the above was trivial; this next bit may require a bit of
concentration/imagination :-
Trim down the information in the current "Status" and "Properties"
panel and combine these two into a tabbed panel to the right of the
"Drive List" window, where there is currently white space.
This could be set (for example) to default to show the "Properties"
information at startup for the drive selected in the Drive List.
This would allow users to simply select other drives to view the
disk usage if they so wish [most often they won't].
=> But upon effecting an "Analyse" or defrag, this new tabbed panel
should change over to show the "Status information" for the
currently selected drive, which would be more useful to the user
having effected such an action. And, of course, as this new panel
would be tabbed, the user could flip between those if s/he so
As for point (4), I've uploaded a couple of images (compressed in
a ZIP archive) to demonstrate the sort of thing I'm suggesting.
They're far from perfect, but should give the idea...
Well then, all: what are your opinions on these observations and
suggestions ? ![:)]()