Disk health has warning in yellow cant find explanation for this
Need more info.
What operating system etc.
Also any other issues on your machine.
After defragging my C: drive several times and also performing a couple of 'Boot' time defrags, I still can't get Defraggler to defrag C:System Volume or to get the colour of the blocks to change from red to blue. Trying to defrag 'checked items' only gives me a dialogue box warning me that defrag was aborted.
My apologies for hijacking the thread, but it is the only one I can see where a "Defrag' problem appears.
. . . defrag C:System Volume . . . Trying to defrag 'checked items' only gives me a dialogue box warning me that defrag was aborted.
Windows won't allow us to defrag System Volume, so exclude it.
Options\ Advanced\ ☑ Custom settings\ Define\ ☑ Exclude restore point file . .
Hi kroozer, thanks mate* for your input.
In my advanced settings, I have already excluded the two files you have suggested, but I note that you also have 'VSS' checked.
Maybe this is what I should to do as well, to prevent the System Volume files from appearing/displaying in the 'Drive Map' area.
I will give it a run when I get back to the machine this evening, and then get back to you with the results.
Thanks again.
* 'scuse the 'Aussie' expression:-)
Windows won't allow us to defrag System Volume, so exclude it.
Options\ Advanced\ ☑ Custom settings\ Define\ ☑ Exclude restore point file . .
. . . you also have 'VSS' checked. Maybe this is what I should to do as well, to prevent the System Volume files from appearing/displaying in the 'Drive Map' area.
Stopping VSS is irrelevant; that only prevents VSS expansion during defrag.
The System Volume Info files will display in the Drive map even if restore points are excluded. They cannot be defragged, therefore nothing can be done to change their red blocks to blue. They should not appear on the File list and will not be included in the total frag count.
Be content with a frag count less than 20%. Modern disks are so fast (~9ms seek time) that unless your drive was badly fragged you likely cannot discern any performance improvement after defrag.
Hello Alpo and welcome to the forum.
It looks like you were the victim of a thread hijacking, so in order to point you in the right direction, I'm posting a link to a previous thread on the topic, with a good explanation by one of the moderators: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=35972&hl=%2Bdisk+%2Bhealth
That's about all I can do, I'm not an expert on the subject, nor would I pretend to be.