Defrag specific folder set

I have a friend that works at a tax place. Typically, they run through hundreds of users in a short amount of time.

This results in lots of small files which become fragmented.

Usually, just the same stuff over & over.

While Windows does get fragmented over time, this one tax folder is the most frequent/largest fragmentation amount.

Is there any way to add to Defraggler an include/exclude filter similar to in CCleaner?

When a user selects folders to add to the include/exclude folders, it would work like this:

Defraggler ONLY defrags files in the Include folder

Defraggler SKIPS any files listed in Exclude folder

This would cut back on un-necessary whole drive defragments/drive wear.

User could optionally select a whole drive defragment every month or so...

mr don;

forget about that program. The ultimate solution to your problem, is called 'Diskeeper 2010'. It PREVENTS fragmentation BEFORE it starts.

You have been warned about posting purely to mention another product... if you do this once more you will be banned.

This area of the forum is to talk about gsuggestions for Defraggler.