Perhaps its the hooch or simply just senile decay, but why are the files all scattered about instead of being nicely packed at the top, with all the free space underneath ?
Why after defragging are they still in the same scattered locations instead of being re-positioned in a nice neatly packed block ?
Hello Kas - There are several things to be aware of, to look at, or try.
1.) Be aware that Windows likes to stick System Restore Points out in the middle portion of the C: partition, and Defraggler doesn't move them. Sometimes I will delete all these restore points (provided my system is not experiencing any problems), do a full defrag, then set a new restore point.
Hello Kas - There are several things to be aware of, to look at, or try.
1.) Be aware that Windows likes to stick System Restore Points out in the middle portion of the C: partition, and Defraggler doesn't move them. Sometimes I will delete all these restore points (provided my system is not experiencing any problems), do a full defrag, then set a new restore point.
3.) Try defragging the freespace itself. Start Defraggler, then select Action>Advanced>Defrag Freespace.
4.) Try a boot time defrag. Settings>Boot Time Defrag>Run Once.
Thanks Dennis.
Defragging freespace never helped.
My settings are the same as in your point 2 image.
A boot time defrag never helped.
I have not yet tried deleting restore points. Perhaps it is not worthwhile on what remains a cosmetic issue.
Thank you so much for taking the trouble to help on this minor matter. At least the latest picture looks cleaner than my first, so some improvement has happened.
It answered as much as I need to know, at least one of the posts did. Looks worth doing occasionally, say once per month. It never packed up the scattered files in a neat pile with the others, but it did defrag files I have not seen before with Defraggler and the defrag action showed each file in detail as it was defragged. Rather like an AV scan does.