Installed Defrag. Checked for updates...all good
Analyzed....22% fragmentation
Unticked many movies which are transitory files...
Then clicked on defrag checked.
left the pc running for two days and nights.....paused it when i needed to use it.
It finally hit 100%....and then presented the error/message...
Defrag Aborted
No files were defragmented
This operation cannot be done
After much cursing and scrtching of cranium....I analyzed shows 30%
I have no clue.
the pic shows round 8 gb with movies or so...
how many files with this size have you on your HD?
i think your fragmentation is mainly caused by these large files (and Defraggler can not handle it well)
perhaps displace these movies on a USB stick or mobile Harddisk and after than look again how the fragmentation looks.
and after defragmentation you can copy your movies back on your hd. (i think with this procedure your fragmentation will be gone)
Good advice but it's still odd with 32% free space.
@el_pusher -- yes thats weird...
there were still defragments a few movies ... "madam.secretary.s01e13..." and "inside.out..." despite of unticked files/movies...
a suggestion:
additional partition only for your movies and other private stuff? 100 - 200 gb?
for windows and progs on c:\ usually you dont need more as 80 - 100 gb
these kinds of problems on your operating system partition you will then no longer have...