Deffragler list hdd as ssd

Deffragler list my hdd as a ssd. It's safe to run the "defrag" option anyway?

If it's a HDD then yes you can defragment.

(With SDD's nowadays it is also valid to defrag a SDD in some circumstances, Win 10 will do it about once a month if you have certain Windows settings).

Wrongly recognised drive types has been an ongoing problem for a while.

Defraggler (and Speccy) get their drive type information from Windows, and even (parts of) Windows can have problems distinguishing the drive type.

This has been show up in the recent Win 10 v2004 upgrade where Windows own defragmenter is now defragmenting SSD's too often, and also attempting to Trim HDD's.

Maybe that will now give Microsoft a kick in the pants to look into the issue.

So shouldn't I just disable the scheduled optimization altogether, and do it manualy trought Deffragler?

Thank you for the reply.

I only have HDDs, and don't have any scheduled defragging/optimisation set (other than what Windows does itself).

I just run Defraggler weekly/fortnightly and do the following:

Analyze>View Files>Check/tick the files found, and then 'Defrag checked'.

(Don't be worried if it says some files can't be defragged and that it's aborted. That's because a few files may be open or locked, it's done those it can and will get the rest next time).

if i can?

i make it like nukecad

but first

-> clean up the drive with windows-tool

-> defraggler with "file defrag" but only 1x monthly after updates

-> after this i make a restart

-> 1x defrag with windows defragmenter (only for os-drive)

file defrag is quite fast as opposed to a complete defragmentation