Data recovery android

After a "quick clean" most of my videos and pictures on my camera roll and gallery are gone. I did not select anything specific, trusted that it would remove just junk files etc.

Downloaded recuva for android. Recovered some of it but most data is still gone. Is there an "undo" feature or other solution to recover all data which I am not aware of?

Thanks for your help!!!

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Where they saved on your phone itself or in the cloud? (If it's in the cloud then it isn't on the phone for Recuva to find there).

Often if your files are saved in the cloud it's just a link to cloud storage that has gone missing, the photos, videos, etc are still there in the cloud.

See if part 1 here helps:

There are loads of similar articles on the web (people often loose photos, etc, from their phones) search for "recover photos android" for other methods/ideas if the one above doesn't work for you.

Hi, thanks much. They were saved on the phone....

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