Cyber-Posse Anyone?

Would anyone be interested in forming an organization whose mission is to seek out and destroy the evil creators of CoolWWWSearch and their low life brethren who aid and abet them? From reading countless HJT logs and web pages devoted to trying to undo the damage and aggravation they cause there may be thousands willing to take up the cause!

We could call ourselves something really cool like the "Malwareriors (Malwarriors?)" or the "CruelWWWSearchers!"

Oops, I see it's way past time for me to take my medicine (again).

never mind...

If only the likes of the FBI, and/or Interpol would nab them, take their computers, make it illegal for any of them to ever own a computer again, and finally put them in a prison cell so deep their meals would have to be catapulted to them.

If you can find where they live, give their address to the guy(s) that beat that Russian spammer to death.

If you can find where they live, give their address to the guy(s) that beat that Russian spammer to death.

Killing them isn't a solution, since some other malware writter would continue it.

Killing them isn't a solution, since some other malware writter would continue it.

I think most malware comes straight from hell anyway.

Killing them isn't a solution, since some other malware writter would continue it.

True.....but it would make me feel happy. :)