Not sure how many here have an android phone and specifically the galaxy s3, but I wanted to start a topic about my latest project I've been messing with. I have had a galaxy s3 for a few months now. I traded a friend for my iphone 5 since we both got new phones at the same time. I basically wanted to get a bigger screen than what the iphone 5 offered. Huge mistake as I hated the GS3 from the day I got it. I was very close to just trading the phone in and paying the price to get my iphone back but before I did I decided to try and put cyanogenmod 10.2 on it and see if that helped.
I followed the two guides that you can find here:
and here:
Those 2 videos cover how to root, back up, and put new software(mods) on your galaxy s3.
I have played with cyanogenmod on an HP touchpad but I haven't ever hacked an android phone before but the process was fairly simple and I'm happy with the results.
So far my phone is a LOT faster. Battery life has been improved dramatically as well. Whatever apps samsung had running all the time would kill my battery in about 5 hours.(these were listed under "Android System" when I would check the phones battery usage). I'm not sure I enjoy this phone more than I did the iphone but it is significantly better than it was when I got it. I do like that its running the most current version of android and that it didn't have any bloat taking up space on the phone.
If you have a galaxy s3 and you don't mind spending about 2 hours or so setting this up, I definitely think it was worth the hassle.