I'm using CCleaner Professional edition with my Windows 10 1903 version & noticed that, the custom registry key that I used was being removed after Shutdown, reboot cycle! It took me a while to start suspecting CCleaner as the culprit. I added an exception with CCleaner for the registry key & after that the key was not deleted.
This is not at all an expected behavior! Please let me know how I could stop CCleaner from making such changes in the future.
Please note, the key is ONLY removed after a clean shutdown, reboot. If I restart the laptop after adding the key, the key is available until I shutdown the laptop.
Perhaps play with the permissions/privileges on the key, i.e.; lock it down that way registry cleaners can't remove it, and you would even have to enable admin privileges upon it to edit it or remove it manually.
Well, after removing CCleaner, custom registry key is not anymore removed. I am afraid to say, the protecting the IPV6 parameter key will disable Windows from updating the available network and related details in the sub-keys.
I am planning to send email to official support as I am using professional edition of CCleaner, and ask them for a solution.
I know, earlier I said after adding the exception the key was not deleted. However, after few restarts, the key was deleted. I missed to update the same with the post. Uninstalled CCleaner and the key is intact after half dozen of shutdown restart cycles.
If you use an old version such as CCleaner v5.40.6411 does it still delete that key? I'm just wondering if all the changes in CCleaner over the last year have somehow caused the issue.
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If you use an old version such as <a href="https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/81935/" rel="external nofollow">CCleaner v5.40.6411</a> does it still delete that key? I'm just wondering if all the changes in CCleaner over the last year have somehow caused the issue.
Well, instead of giving it another try , I will be more interested towards an official explanation from Piriform towards this behavior. Thank you very much @hazelnut
I've been using CCleaner v5.40.6411 with Win10 v1903. Albeit Microsoft will without doubt inevitably disallow it at some point, probably sooner than later.
Guys, finally I figured out that it is NOT CCleaner issue. After being there for almost a four days, today morning Windows regenerated the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters" branch & I lost the REG DWORD "DisabledComponents" once again. It looks like, 1903 is doing something different than previous versions, forcing IPV6 to refresh something (beyond my understanding), which regenerates the entire "Parameters" sub-key branch.
Thank you to everyone who took the efforts to respond. I have raised a question with Microsoft Answers and hoping to get some answers. Interested could follow the thread here.
Well 1903 does have some issues just search YouTube for them. For some they're losing their Wi-Fi.
For me it was undocumented the highlight color (an awful color at that) we see when selecting files would randomly blink/glitch on the screen every time I'd insert and remove a USB device looking as if my laptop screen was about to die and it kept getting worse over the three days 1903 was installed and would then randomly do it on its own.
I've downgraded via a disk image backup I had made before installing it instead of waiting on them to fix the issue at their leisure.