CSS decoders for backing up my dvds

We recently bought a new computer, very nice one i might add (media center pc! whooo hooo!!) Any ways, my brother is off to college and he wants some of our dvd collection. I refused, so i decided i should try out our new dvd burner. I downloaded CloneDVD2 and installed it, but when i put in a dvd, it says its protected by a css encoder or something. Does anyone know of a good css decoder program that i can use? thanks!


DVD decryptor should do it.


I enjoy http://www.dvdshrink.org/ more.. it lets you re-author the DVD to fit on smaller DVD media [and remove languages you don't need, subtitles you don't need, etc]. It handles CSS no problem [at least as far as I've found].

I'm with DjLizard on this one DVD Shrink is my fav. But for just 1to1 backup i would use DVD Decrypter. Also as DVD Decrypter is another great app from the UK you can not not love it :D .

another great app from the UK you can not not love it :D .

I liked that bit. :D

This thread came at just the right time, I dont have a DVD writer myself, but I installed one for someone else yesterday, and was going to find out what software would be best.

I guess I just found it, thanks guys.