Hi, can someone help to create a command in WINAPP2.INI to replace the information in
"HKCU\Software\AnvSoft\Any Video Converter\Setting\Output\DefaulMediaFolder"
It keep the last opened file's folder but I'd like to keep the place I have my files, "D:\Filmes".
I already studied the WINAPP2.INI I have here and I guess I'm near the answer. I've inserted the follow lines after the "defaut" [AnvSoft Any Audio Converter (Logs)*] section:
[AnvSoft Any Audio Converter (Last Folder)*]
LangSecRef=3023 // what’s this line stands for?
Detect=HKCU\Software\AnvSoft\Any Video Converter\Setting\Output\DefaulMediaFolder
Thanks, Nergal. And what about to clean or to delete the info kept by Any Video Converter, can Ccleaner do that? It's not the ideal for me but it could help.
I've read the link in your signature to explanation, so I've changed the secction to:
[AnvSoft Any Audio Converter (Last Folder)*]
Detect=HKCU\Software\AnvSoft\Any Video Converter\Setting\Output
RegKey1=HKCU\Software\AnvSoft\Any Video Converter\Setting\Output\DefaulMediaFolder
But the string value I want to blank or to delete keeps the same. As I tryied to say (excuse my not-too-good English, pls), if thes strings could get blanked OR if the whole key (DefaulMediaFolder) could be deleted, I'd be satisfied.
Ah! With the changes I've made, now the "AnvSoft Any Audio Converter (Last Folder)*" checkbox appears in the options menu.
You need to put items in the entry (Filekey or (regisry) key)
Head over to the thread on the community winapp2 for some examples
Lang sec ref is the section on ccleaner it shows under (internet, media, firefox etc) if the header On the community one doesn't have what number relates to which section I can post them when I'm at my PC later today
You can't do this with CCleaner! However Windows itself already has the RegEdit tool built-in to accomplish this with ease simply by using a modified saved .REG file. I do this all the time with 7-Zip settings.
Example of what is unwanted (exported .REG file modified to delete the settings, notice the "-" character in front of the reg path which deletes settings -- use with extreme caution though):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings]
Example of what is saved into the registry, i.e.; the wanted settings:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings]
And how to combine the two into one single .REG file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings]
Is it DefaulMediaFolder or DefaultMediaFolder? If it's the latter, that'd explain why it is not being deleted.
Thanks, Winapp2.ini. I wrote wrong here and in the WINAPP2.INI file too. But now, correct, it doesn't work yet.
I guess Andavari below quoted gave a good solution.
You can't do this with CCleaner! However Windows itself already has the RegEdit tool built-in to accomplish this with ease simply by using a modified saved .REG file. I do this all the time with 7-Zip settings.
Example of what is unwanted (exported .REG file modified to delete the settings, notice the "-" character in front of the reg path which deletes settings -- use with extreme caution though):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings]
Example of what is saved into the registry, i.e.; the wanted settings:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings]
And how to combine the two into one single .REG file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Program Name\Settings]
Thanks, Andavari, I'm going to create a batch file to modify the registry set as I want to, and I intend to call this batch from a script I'll set through GPEDIT.MSC, (Computer configuration / Windows configuration / Scripts (TurnOn/TurnOff)). It's good for me because I always reboot the PC before begining each work.
(Excuse if the terms of menu path for GPEDIT.MSC is not correct but my version of Win7 is in Brazilian Portuguese, so I've tryied to translate).