Every night I back up several files / folders I have on my computer, none of them massive files, mainly things like Microsoft Money file, Works Folder (for things like calendar etc). The files I back up are pretty much a constant and I back them up to a folder in My Documents called Backup which I then backup to a USB Flash Drive. However it's a nuisance having to go around to various parts of my computer to right click and use the Send To feature to back up each of these files (I have a Send To: Backup in that right click dialog box). It only takes a few minutes but I'd like to be able to backup in one go...
What I would like is something like a batch file where I could just run that and it would then automatically run a backup of all of the various files and folders I backup. I would like them sent to the Backup folder on the computer and I could then copy that to the flash drive.
I use a batch file and the command line version of 7-zip to make the whole process semi-automatted, the only user interaction I have is to hit the Enter key on the keyboard a couple of times, and to insert a CD-RW to burn a backup. What would take me I suppose up to an hour (maybe longer) to do manually gets done in about three minutes from start to finish for the batch file, plus an extra two minutes to burn a CD-RW backup.
Note that it's wise to recreate the folder structure so it's as simple as copying to C: and selecting Paste to restore files.
What you need to do:
ECHO [ COPYING ALL USERS PROFILE FILES AND FOLDERS ]ECHO.XCOPY /I /E /V /R /Y "%AllUsersProfile%\DRM" "D:\My Backups\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM"XCOPY /I /E /V /R /Y "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu" "D:\My Backups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu"ECHO.ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------------------ECHO.ECHO [ COPYING MY USER PROFILE NAME USER PROFILE FILES AND FOLDERS ]ECHO.XCOPY /I /V /R /Y "%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch" "D:\My Backups\Documents and Settings\My User Profile Name\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"XCOPY /I /E /V /R /Y "%UserProfile%\Desktop" "D:\My Backups\Documents and Settings\My User Profile Name\Desktop"XCOPY /I /E /V /R /Y "%UserProfile%\Favorites" "D:\My Backups\Documents and Settings\My User Profile Name\Favorites"XCOPY /I /E /V /R /Y "%UserProfile%\My Documents" "D:\My Backups\Documents and Settings\My User Profile Name\My Documents"XCOPY /I /E /V /R /Y "%UserProfile%\SendTo" "D:\My Backups\Documents and Settings\My User Profile Name\SendTo"XCOPY /I /E /V /R /Y "%UserProfile%\Start Menu" "D:\My Backups\Documents and Settings\My User Profile Name\Start Menu"ECHO.ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------------------ECHO.ECHO [ COPYING WINDOWS DIRECTORY FILES AND FOLDERS ]ECHO.MD "D:\My Backups\Windows"XCOPY /I /V /R /Y "%WinDir%\*.bat" "D:\My Backups\Windows"XCOPY /I /V /R /Y "%WinDir%\cdplayer.ini" "D:\My Backups\Windows"XCOPY /I /V /R /Y "%WinDir%\contig*" "D:\My Backups\Windows"XCOPY /I /V /R /Y "%WinDir%\Meta*" "D:\My Backups\Windows"XCOPY /I /V /R /Y "%WinDir%\regjump*" "D:\My Backups\Windows"XCOPY /I /V /R /Y "%WinDir%\socketlock*" "D:\My Backups\Windows"XCOPY /I /V /R /Y "%WinDir%\Tag*" "D:\My Backups\Windows"MD "D:\My Backups\Windows\icons"XCOPY /I /E /V /R /Y "%WinDir%\icons" "D:\My Backups\Windows\icons"ECHO.ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------------------ECHO.ECHO [ AVAST ANTI-VIRUS IS NOW SCANNING ALL FILES IN: D:\My Backups ]ECHO."%ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe" "D:\My Backups\*"ECHO.ECHO.PAUSEECHO.ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------------------ECHO [ CONTIG IS NOW DEFRAGMENTING ALL FILES IN: D:\My Backups ]contig.exe -s "D:\My Backups"ECHO.ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------------------ECHO.ECHO [ 7-ZIP CLI IS NOW AUTOMATICALLY CREATING: D:\My Backups.7z ]"%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" a "D:\My Backups.7z" "D:\My Backups"ECHO.ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------------------ECHO.ECHO [ CONTIG IS NOW DEFRAGMENTING: D:\My Backups.7z ]contig.exe "D:\My Backups.7z"ECHO.ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------------------ECHO.ECHO [ CREATE A BACKUP DISC WITH IMGBURN ]"%ProgramFiles%\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe"CLSEXIT
Learning how to create a batch file to backup any and all files you want makes any and all downloadable backup software obsolete.
You may also want to contact Dr.WEB anti-virus in Russia since their antivirus is "perhaps producing a false positive" against your program as a SCRIPT.Virus, according to this Jotti scan, however 18 other scanners say it's clean.
The batch BackupMe is an automated user profile backing up solution for Windows. ...
I tried it, it works without a reboot. Is bit complicated for me but it did back up "My documents", "Desktop", and "Favorites" to the designated partition: W:\.
Does not seem to have left a bunch of junk on the computer, can anyone confirm that?
I cannot try Karens, it requires restart & I can't do that just now.
. . . .
edit: To follow what Andavari said, Avast! and MBAM show the folder clean.
Good catch....I guess. I didn't know it was spam, still not sure it is, tried the application and it worked pretty well, and is free. Only unusual thing I saw was a bunch of popups at while getting to the site. But for my part, you can delete the whole thread and save some disk space, wouldn't hurt my feelings. Don't want to lead members astray.