
Today upgraded Defraggler to Analyzed and defragged partitions C and D with no difficulty -- in fact surprising it was so fast! But 5 times it crashed when attempting to analyze or defrag Drive E -- same hard disk, just another partition. Any ideas as to how to correct this?

Today upgraded Defraggler to Analyzed and defragged partitions C and D with no difficulty -- in fact surprising it was so fast! But 5 times it crashed when attempting to analyze or defrag Drive E -- same hard disk, just another partition. Any ideas as to how to correct this?

Hi Miles,

Thanks for the report.

Run some checks on your Hard Drive.

Then try "Defraggler".

If you have problems follow the directions in this link.

:) davey

Run some checks on your Hard Drive.

Then try "Defraggler".

If you have problems follow the directions in this link.

:) davey

It would appear that I replied in the wrong place -- msg 34 in the list I went to for directions, so will also post here.

Defraggler is installed in the default location and pasted the statement into the Run window which opened Defragger and a small window reading "No updates available." And no log appears in the Defraggler folder and do not see "Debug" in the Defraggler lower status bar.

Went back from version 1.05 to version 1.03 and have same difficulty, it immediately fails on Drive E, while C & D run OK. Here's the stats:

Drive C NTFS, 50gb/25 used

Drive D FAT32, 50gb/7 used

Drive E NTFS, 49gb/10 used (after deleting Acronis images)

Checking old notes see that the same problem was experienced last August with version 1.02.085. Since that time many files have been added to this backup drive and checkdisk has been run and outturns OK. Could it relate to the drive contains some Acronis images which are almost 5gb?

Any ideas as to cause and method to correct?

Deleted the large Acronis image files (and not in recycle either), and Defraggler still crashes on Drive E. Any suggestions??

Deleted the large Acronis image files (and not in recycle either), and Defraggler still crashes on Drive E. Any suggestions??

Hi Miles,

Try running the Windows Defragmenter on that logical Drive E.

We will see from there.

:) davey

P.S. What is the size of that Physical Hard Drive ?