Crashes on analyze

Hello Everyone,

i seem to have a issue when trying to defrag my HDD, i have tried reinstalling it but no luck.

hopefully someone will know what is wrong.




I just started getting the same error on my external hard drive a couple of days ago. Windows defrag works fine, and I've used defraggler on the drive before with no issues. I've tried running it as administrator, and I even formatted the drive just to be on the safe side, but defraggler still crashes.

Similar problem. Newly created partition "swap (E:)" to receive pagefile.sys which was fragmenting and not becoming defragged on reboot.

Screenshot 2020-07-02 14.44.33.png


- To be able to defrag a file (with Defraggler) that has a size of X you need a contiguous free space of - at least - the same size X. And that's not the case on your system with the E: drive. No wonder Defraggler won't (completely) defrag the pagefile. The best it can do is to decrease the fragmentation.

- A defragmented pagefile will indeed increase the performance of your system

- Try this:

- Turn off the pagefile and (temporarily) move all other files to another drive.

- Format the E: drive (again).

- Turn on the pagefile, choose a size for the pagefile that's (a little) smaller than the size of the E: drive. Hopefully the pagefile won't be fragmented.