Crash as soon as scan starts

Hey guys, im running a Windows 10 computer trying to recover data from an external 1TB drive. When i try to run a scan with recuva it crashes as soon as i press the "start" button.

Tried it with the portable version and same issue.

Works on my OS drive that is also 1 TB.

the drive im trying to recover data from was in RAW format but i did a quick format on it to make it NTFS while not messing up the data.

Hi, Pablflleras. Sorry I have nothing to help you with as I faced problems recovering encrypted data after a new computer replacement. I forgot the passcode and all items were encrypted. The developer indicated that the files to the original owner should have been accessible in their native (pre-encrypted) format but they were not. This meant I lost all my previous (but highly important) data.

My suggestion to you is to contact Piriform Technical Support (for RECUVA) directly and request their help. Of course, I don't know if the drive size (1TB) can be successfully scanned by the program for corrupted/recoverable files by their software. Very sorry.

Good luck!

