Crap Cleaner in C++

Crap Cleaner is coded with Microsoft Visual Basic.

Applications coded Visual Basic does run slower than applications coded C++.

Also VB (Visual Basic) applications require the VB Run-Time modules.

Applications coded in C++ does not.

If Crap Cleaner was redesigned in C++ it would run faster.

Now some users have trouble running Crap Cleaner because it gives them errors about missing run-time modules, if it was in C++ they wouldnt have this problem.

VB besides being crappy and inferior is also platform limited to Windows only.

I think it would be alot better if CCleaner was coded in C++ or if the people who make CCleaner would decide to port it (if they have the competence that is).

With C++ it would also be alot easier to port CCleaner to other OS (operating systems) such as Linux, BSD, MacOS X, Solaris, etc.

If you know what you're doing in VB you can code powerful and fast applications. VB isn't the best, though it's not crappy and inferior either.

VB is pretty much inferior, it is platform limited to Windows systems only and few people have the MSVB libraries needed to run the programs.

It is a lousy programming language for kids who just get into their first programming, and it stucks them in their Microsoft world with their software that can only run on Windows platforms.

I used to code in VB some years ago, and I have to say it does have some good points too, it is easy, things dont often go wrong, you can develop alot in a short time, RAD (Rapid Application Developement).

Also it is very easy to create forms by the very simple drag-and-drop interface.

It is easy to use and you can fast learn Socket programming with WinSock and have some fun.

Why don't you just leave? Nobody appreciates your negative comments, especially regarding the language that MrG (the proprietor) chooses to write CCleaner in. You are basically directly insulting him, and your presence is indirectly insulting to technicians everywhere.

Why don't you just leave? Nobody appreciates your negative comments, especially regarding the language that MrG (the proprietor) chooses to write CCleaner in. You are basically directly insulting him, and your presence is indirectly insulting to technicians everywhere.

I agree. Vote him off the forum. :D

You've got my vote!

I do not mean to insult the author of CCleaner, because I think it is a good program, it does what it is supposed todo, it is simple to use, I used it on all computers in my home, works good, it speeded up the computers, I like that it is free to use and a small and quick download.

Now wether you like it or not, want to face it or not, Visual Basic is a crappy inferior language that isnt good for anything outside the garage.

And about voting, this place is some kind of democracy? ;)

Already enough of me, I just got here. :P

I am not only posting negative comments, it is only natural that bad software gets bad opinions/critique (not refering to CCleaner).

I even mentioned some good points in Visual Basic.

I also posted many other informative and positive posts and with links to other good software and resources.

Nope, nobody gets NOT my vote to bar someone from the forum!

A forum like this some be run like a democracy and not like some totalitarian regime. If you don't like what someone is saying just ignore him.

Only when someone is abusive we could exclude him from the forum.


Nope, nobody gets NOT my vote to bar someone from the forum!

A forum like this some be run like a democracy and not like some totalitarian regime. If you don't like what someone is saying just ignore him.

Only when someone is abusive we could exclude him from the forum.


It wasnt a totalitarian move, we voted. (it was more of a oligarchy if you want to get technical).

oh snap

All that matters is my vote anyways. :P From what I understand (he said this before). It's mainly written in VB, but parts are written in C++.

All that matters is my vote anyways. :P From what I understand (he said this before). It's mainly written in VB, but parts are written in C++.

Yeah, I think it was the app was VB and the DLL files are C++.

......Now wether you like it or not, want to face it or not, Visual Basic is a crappy inferior language that isnt good for anything outside the garage......

Rather strong statement.

That's like saying A works but B works better (in your opinion) so A should be scrapped.

If A were that bad people would be scrapping it en mass and adopting B with little or no coaching to do so.

.....but that's just my observation. :D

Then if the whole/other part would be coded in C++, then more people could CCleaner more easy since they wouildnt need any VB runtimes.

It would also open up doors for porting it to other platforms in the future.

So I can clean Internet Explorer's cache on my Slackware box? I don't think porting is an option...

I don't think an "auto-cleaner" program in Linux would be very safe, effective, useful, ...etc