Hello. i have got some cpu problems:i have a laptop and when i do things simuntaniusly(wrong spelling)for example .hear music one way or the other and ccleaner is running or defraggler at the same time and communicating via google chrome,the cpu goes crazy. my laptop specs i can give you offcourse but my laptop is 1,5 years old now and i think it simply do not have the power is there any oppinions on the matter i wood be very happy to hear them.Kind Regards Psychedelic.


Richard S.

i am a pc imbicil can you expand your question please

I am a pc imbicil and i was not beeing rude Kind regards Psychedelic

What OS and processor does your laptop have??

Richard S.

I do not know exactly what you mean but i have just activated speccy and will reply as fast as i can Kind Regards Psychedelic

Hello again:CPU 2.30GHz.RAM 4.00GB dual-channel is that information ok?Kind Regards Psychedelic

When you say CPU goes crazy do you mean it's getting hot and fan is whirring or your laptop sluggish??

Try running Process Explorer if you have a naughty application this will show you the CPU load and core status.

Which version of Windows are you running?? i.e. Windows 7 64bit

Richard S.

hello im sorry i was this long to reply but yes correct windows 7 home premium 64 b do you know how to view gmail in firefox 6.0 kind regards casi

Are you running the correct version of Defraggler or CCleaner (you should be running the ones that end in 64)

Are you running the correct version of Defraggler or CCleaner (you should be running the ones that end in 64)

a thousand thankyous for responding yes 64 versions but i use the standard settings,that is not good i can understand.but nothing bad has happended(i think)by the way mcafee total protection 2011 has the same features should i use them instead please advise.is it correct to use these tools every day,some people on seven forum believes just that,and my pc has never been faster.what do you think when i say firefox.Kind Regards psychedelic