Couldn't uninstall Norton Ghost

I tried to uninstall Norton Ghost. Everything seemed to work fine. No error messages. But when the process if over, Norton Ghost is still there. I ran uninstall several times on Norton Ghost but Norton Ghost is still there. Would appreciate any suggestions.


You could always try the norton uninstall tool found here

It is suitable for norton ghost versions 10.0 and 9.0.

Note it removes ALL norton products from your computer.

There is always the possibility that you will need to manually remove ALL traces of Ghost. This is not as difficult as it first appears and will NOT remove the rest of your Norton package. For those wondering why I am making this suggestion-Symantec has instituted a policy about the number of installs you can do without having to purchase a new license (program package) for the most recent versions of their software.

Now to the removal. Go into My Computer and delete the folders containing the Ghost program and its associated files and only those files. Then "Run" Regedit and go thru the entire tree looking for Ghost specific references and delete them. THis should clear the program out. You can then run Ccleaner to delete what it finds as to Ghost. Finally run Norton WinDoctor. This should do what is needed.

Sadly, there are programs that are persistent in their desire to stay on your machine. The reasons are either poor coding or an attempt to insure that the number of installs is not exceeded, by putting a key in the Registry.

Before you do any of the above: BACK UP your machine including creating a real Restore Point. I will not be responsible for anything that happens.

Good luck have to do a little maual work to get rid of Norton/Symantec.

Un-install Norton as it is a HUGELY BLOATED application that is getting BIGGER all the time

Go to Start/Run enter regedit to start the registry editor then go to Edit and do a Find on Norton then delete the key.

Depress the F3 key (Repeat Find) and delete the Many entries that are left over from the un-install.

Go back to the top of the registry and repeat for Symantec.


Chaos reigns within.

Reflect, repent, and reboot.

Order shall return. LOL

I would suggest trying to removing Ghost in safe mode first. If that doesn't work then download Total Uninstall (Last Freeware Version) and let it watch the installation as you re-install Ghost. Let Total Uninstall try to uninstall it this time the proper way.

And as acooldozen stated "you have to do a little maual work to get rid of Norton/Symantec" that will more than likely be the case since Norton/Symantec products like to install way too much and put it everywhere on the system.

Problem uninstalling a Norton product.

Gee, where have I heard that? ;)

Problem uninstalling a Norton product.

Gee, where have I heard that? ;)

When it comes to Norton/Symantec products I think it's the norm. And why they even bother including an uninstaller that doesn't do squat has always had me wondering why the even include an uninstaller in the first place. I remember having an old copy of NAV that I didn't even bother running the uninstaller hence I knew it didn't work and instead used a home-made .bat file and .reg file that got rid of it.