Strangly, I found something describing your extact problem and solution
I had a similar issue.
What happened was:
1: Stupid me deleted the wrong directory.
2: I used an "undelete" Program to recover the lost files.
3: This "brought back" the files... but also created new problem.
4: In Windows Explorer... I could "see" the thumbnail of the JPEG file... when I tried to open the image with through Windows Explorer / Windows Picture and Fax Viewer)... I kept getting an error message - something like "Drawing could not be rendered"... or something like that.
5: I tried several programs - including InfraView... but nothing worked.
6: Paint Shop Pro (my version is 8). I opened PSP (not Photoshop)... selected the Browse option, navigated to the sub-directory that had the "recovered files".
7: I double-clicked on the image - AND IT OPENED.
8: I immediately saved the image back onto itself. (You might consider saving it somewhere else... the file I was over-writing was already a copy of the original).
9: Returning to Windows Explorer - I could now open the image with Picture and Fax Viewer.
10: Eventhough the image was recovered (THANK GOD AND THANK YOU PAINT SHOP PRO)... I noticed (at the bottom of every re-saved image) a grey line / bar (spanning the width of the image) about 10 pixels tall. But (for me) that was acceptible.
Hope this helps.
it depends on the corruption on wither this will work, so as RedHawk said
Did you use Recuva straight after the deletion or did you take more photos??
Which will help us to determine how baddly they may be corrupted (the more they've been overwritten the less likely you'll be able to save them)
No matter what, please come back and tell us how you faired with these directions
Yes I use Recuva straight after the deletion, didn't do anything else.
I deleted 3 images from my Camera (Sony DSC-T10) and the corrupted image bring the last image i deleted. Right when I deleted that image, I use Recuva to recover it.
The previous 2 images i deleted recovered fine, but I don't need those. Only the 3rd image is corrupted.
As for the solution Nergal found, I already tried that.
That person's problem was that he cannot open it up. He gets "Drawing could not be rendered" error.
But for me, there's no error message at all. It opens, but is corrupted (Look at my second image)