Cornish dowser

Hi all, I`ve only just discovered Cleanmem and wow it certainly works, and then some. I have a problem that I hope Shane or others might be able to help me with. When I first used it I activated the mini monitor and all was great. Subsequently if I use mini monitor it completely steals the window focus. Can I get round this or will Cleanmem still work without the mini monitor. Thank you to anyone who might be able to help.

Why are you posting this on the CCleaner forum?

If you have a question about that particular software then ask them. (on their forum, if they have one).

EDIT- One of the other Moderators has pointed out that years ago there was a long running thread here about that particular software, before my time here so I didn't know about it.

This is where I was directed to post by the author`s site, if you know somewhere better please let me know.

Here's the thread, you can probably talk with @Willy2

They don't have for forum to my knowledge (couldn't find one, although there is a contact page). Also the author is a member on this forum.

@Cornish Dowser

See my reply here in the thread below: